The Dancing Crane Gallery presents “Art Across America” with artist John Hannafin. Reception to meet the artist is on Friday December 2nd from 6-9 PM.
From West Chester PA, Hannafin, an impressionist oil painter, strives to live renaissance philosophies and create uplifting paintings that inspire. Experimenting with energetic brushstrokes and textures of oil paint, he seeks to express the beauty of nature and life through compelling imagery and strong colors. His on-going project *Art Across America*, where he travels, paints and films national parks, produces books and DVD’s, and has been featured on NBC, ABC, Fox News & Public Television. He has recently illustrated his first children’s book, “Dream BIG, Shine BRIGHT.”Show includes Gallery Artists, Carol Doenecke, Barbara Colangelo, Elaine Charney, Polly Curran, Bernice Gaines, Fernando Madridejos, Marilyn Flinn, Lorene Erickson, Joan Schnuerch, Dennis Meloy, Cheryl Grace, Susan von Gries, Monica Londano and more.
Show runs through January 28th. 1019 10th Ave W, Bradenton FL 34205. 941.744.1333. visit www.dancing-crane.com